News - World Pneumonia Day

World Pneumonia Day

Pneumonia claimed the lives of 2.5 million, including 672,000 children, in 2019 alone. The combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and conflict is fuelling a pneumonia crisis across the life course – placing millions more at risk of infection and death. In 2021, the estimated burden of deaths from respiratory infections, including COVID-19, is a massive 6 million.
An x-ray exam will allow your doctor to see your lungs, heart and blood vessels to help determine if you have pneumonia. When interpreting the x-ray, the radiologist will look for white spots in the lungs (called infiltrates) that identify an infection. This exam will also help determine if you have any complications related to pneumonia such as abscesses or pleural effusions (fluid surrounding the lungs).


Post time: Nov-12-2022